Selection of an agency for creation of a model district level PWD skill database under Sankalp Yojana
Project : Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP)
Project ID : P158435
Date : 26th July, 2021 Reference No. : SD-22/42/2021-IC
Assignment Title : Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) for selection of an agency for‘Creation of a model district level PwD skill database’ under Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP) Project of MSDE.
Geographic coverage: The project will be implemented in 10 Districts of the country fulfilling the following criteria’s –
Presence of considerable concentration of disabled population
Geographic coverage of north, south, west, central and north eastern States of the country.
Presence of functional District Skill Committee in the District.
Project Duration: The duration for executing this project shall be 10 months.
MSDE now invites eligible professional survey agencies /consulting firms/ Companies (“Agency”) registered and based in India to indicate their interest in conducting above mentioned project for ‘Creation of a Model district level PwD skill database’ under
“Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP)” Programme of MSDE. The total duration of the contract will be 10 months.
Interested Agency should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the above-mentioned Services. The shortlisting criteria and supporting documents to be submitted along with EOI are as follows:
Pre-qualification criteria
1. The Agency should be a legal Indian Entity (only consulting firms, Proprietorship firm, Partnership, LLP, Company) incorporated/ registered, under the respective applicable laws eligible to enter into an agreement/contract with MSDE to undertake the work.
2. The Agency must be registered in India with appropriate tax and other administrative authorities. The Agency must have PAN and registered with GST
3. The Agency should not be blacklisted/ debarred by any Central Government / State Government / Government bodies/ World Bank/ multilateral organisation .
4. The said legal entity/ Agency should have been in existence for a period of at least 5 years as on 30 April 2021.
5. Undertaking (on company’s letterhead) regarding compliance with the OM of Ministry of Finance OM F.No 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23rd July, 2020, regarding registration of bidder with Competent Authority in case bidder is from a country which shares a land border with India.
6. The Power of Attorney /authorization letter in the name of the Authorized Signatory of the EOI.
7. The consortium agreement/ MOU/letter of association signed between parties, in case EOI is submitted in Consortium with any Partner.
Qualification Criteria
1. The Agency along with consortium partner (if any) should have conducted/completed a minimum of 3 large scale survey projects (funded by Central Govt/State Govt/ CSR/ multilateral agency) using digital CAPI based tools in socio-economic sector along with development of app, dashboard, data base creation on server during last 5 years having contract value greater than INR 50 lakhs.
2. The Agency (Lead Partner, in case of Consortium) should have a minimum average turnover of INR Ten (10) crores during last three (3) financial years.
3. The Agency should have inhouse team capacity having team members with similar work experience comprising of project manager, survey designer, data experts, surveyenumerators and IT experts having experience in survey methods with expertise of sing IT tools, data base administration, data analysis etc. Web development projects The proposed development team for web application tool should have the required technical qualifications/ certifications (e.g. JAVA, Angular JS etc. certifications experience) as per the development requirements described in the section
4. All field surveyors deployed by the agency shall be well trained in various survey techniques for data collection
1. The Bidder will be responsible for all costs incurred in connection with the participation in this process, including, but not limited to, costs incurred in conduct of informative and other diligence activities, participation in meetings/presentations, and preparation of EOI along with providing any additional information required by MSDE.
2. MSDE will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of this REOI.
3. This REOI does not commit MSDE to award a contract or to engage in negotiations.
4. Further, no reimbursable cost may be incurred in anticipation of award or for preparing this EOI.
5. All materials submitted by the Agency will become the property of MSDE and may be returned to the Agency completely at its sole discretion.
The EOI along with supporting documents as per Qualification criteria mentioned above under Section- Eligibility Criteria as per format given at Annexure 2 to 5 of the document should be submitted online (only) on the Portal Manual submission of EOI is not permissible. The Agency shall submit a digitally signed,encrypted and complete EOI.
Deadline for online EOI submission is 23rd August, 2021 till 3.00 PM.
Other requirements are specified below:
i. The Agency must have Class III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) with signing, and User-id of the e-Procurement website before participating in the selection process. The Agency may use their DSC if they already have. They can also obtain DSC from any of the Government of India’s authorized Certifying Authorities. For user-id they have to get registered themselves on e-procurement website and submit their EOI online on the same. Offline bids shall not be entertained by the MSDE.
ii. For support related to submission of EOI on the Procurement Portal, Agency may contact the 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk (Help Desk Number 0120-4001005) at the Portal
iii. EOI document can be downloaded from and
The Agency may request a clarification of any part of the REOI to MSDE by th August, 2021. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing through email at MSDE will compile and respond to all the clarifications/ queries
in writing to all prospective Agencies latest by, 13th August 2021.
SUMMARY REJECTION: It is expressly made clear that mere submission of EOI, eligible or not eligible, shall not confer any right whatsoever on any such entity/ Agency. Any EOI submitted by an Agency, which fails to satisfy the eligibility requirements set out in the Clause No 7 above, is liable to be rejected summarily. The MSDE reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and to annul the procurement process and reject any or all proposals at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Agency or Agencies or any obligations to inform the Agencies of the grounds for the MSDE’s action.
To download detailed RFP click below link :-
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