Please refer below the steps to be followed for converting the JR status from Conditional Accreditation to Accreditation:
- Please update the Application already installed on your android phone
- Please first update ToT Certificate, then AEBAS and NIESBUD details.SkillIndia Portal
For ToT Certificate, TC has to first change the Trainer details with ToT Certified trainer ID. The option for change trainer is available under ‘My CAAF Submit’ -> Action column -> named as ‘Change Trainer’
Once a TC opts for Change trainer, it gets redirected to the page where list of all associated trainers for respective job role will be available. TC again have to select change trainer against the trainer to be changed The Trainer Id over here refers to the Id issued through TOT module (Takshashila). (In case a TC is having ToT Certified Trainer but don’t have the Trainer Id as per ToT module, then TC needs to first register the respective Trainer on ToT module and select the category as ‘Already Certified – Yes’. The Trainer will then logout and will again login to ToT module and complete the other details and submit. These will be shared with SSC and SSC will approve the same from their dashboard. The updated applicable status will be reflected on the ToT module. Once the Trainer is marked as ‘Certified’ on ToT module, the TC will then login to the CAAF form and opt for ‘Change Trainer’ option. For changing the trainer, TC will enter the ToT Certified Trainer Id and submit. The option for ‘Change Trainer’ can be used only if the Trainer is ToT certified.)
Once TC enters Certified Trainer Id an OTP will be triggered to Trainer Mobile and Email. Post successful verification the trainer will be changed/replaced.
Mobile Application
For AEBAS, upload the picture of AEBAS device through Mobile Application, AEBAS device Bill/ Invoice and Attendance proof. For NIESBD, upload the Certificate of NIESBUD Certified Trainer through Mobile Application.