EoI From Private Training Providers Facilitator Organization For Implementing Type I RPL Under UKSDM
Jal Jeevan Mission is implementing Recognition of prior learning (RPL) in mission mode with a target of training the youth of UTTARAKHAND in the Financial Year 2021-22 in Mason General, Assistant Electrician and Plumber (General). This EOI is for interested facilitator agencies/organisations for submission of Proposal/Application for conducting Training of 6000 uncertified workers across Uttarakhand in phase -I under Type 1 during FY 2021-22 for the job roles of Mason General, Assistant Electrician and Plumber (General).
Multiple Facilitator agencies may be selected for each job role for conducting Skill Development training under this EOI for RPL component in the State of Uttarakhand. Empanelment of facilitator agencies/organizations shall be for one year from the date of issue of Targets or end of FY2021-22 whichever is earlier.
The objective of this EOI is to organise Skill Development training for uncertified workers of the abovementioned sectors through government / private facilitator agency in the state of Uttarakhand . The skill development trainings shall be in compliance with the guidelines of RPL(MSDE).
1. Issue of EOI: 27-5-2021
2. Proposal/Application Submission Last Date: 11-6-2021
Interested training provider cum facilitator organisations/agencies may submit the proposal mandatorily in form of hard copy in a sealed envelope to the office of the undersigned, super scribed with ‘Project Application for conducting for RPL under JJM”
Eligibility for participating in the “EOI” for conducting Skill Development Training under RPL for FY 2021-22 in Uttarakhand is as follows:
I. The applicant should be a legal entity of Indian origin.
II. Must be an NSDC emplaned Training Partner.
III. Should have experience in conducting RPL or Short Term/ Long Term Skill Development Training programme in NSQF compliant courses job roles in last three years .
Based on the applications received UKSDM shall evaluate the documents submitted by the applicants along with the proposal. Final selection of organization shall be on the based on the presentation made before Project Director , UKSDM
The EOI is open to all entities that fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned above. The proposals should be submitted in the prescribed Project Application Form (PAF) as per format at Annexure II & III
The project proposals would be evaluated by the UKSDM . The UKSDMreserves all the rights to reject any proposal / allocate any number of targets to any participatedagency.
Please be informed that submission of this application does not mean or indicate any commitment of approval /allocation of target for the said project.
UKSDM reserves all the rights to cancel the application / penalize the facilitator agency if any information is found to be incorrect/false during and after project execution, at its sole discretion and without assigning any reason.
UKSDM also reserves right to cancel the EOI at any point of time without providing any explanation.
UKSDM reserves the right to allocate the training numbers as per the Evaluation criteria and demand of job role in the location.
The last date for receipt of proposals/applications is 11 th June ’2021
The Request for Application document is also available at our website: www.uksdm.org
Project Director
Uttarakhand Skill Development Mission
26, E.C. Road, Mahila ITI, Near Survey Chowk
Dehradun,Uttarakhand , 248001
To download detailed RFP click below link :-
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