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EOI for empanelment of Training Partners for undertaking PMKVY 3 0 CSSM

Odisha has been allocated target under Centrally Sponsored and State Managed Component of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal VikasYojana (PMKVY 3.0 CSSM). OSDA is the executing agency for this scheme in Odishain different Job Roles in different districts (as enlisted in Annexure 5) under the CSSM Component of PMKVY. OSDA may increase the number of job roles for training in the state of Odisha in future based on the demand of job roles and capacity of the centers. Allocation of target to specific applicant for a specific job role would be made keeping in mind the overall target of OSDA, based on the demand of particular job role and the capacity and availability of centers run by applicants of this EoI. With a view to take this training programme to all the thirty districts of the State, OSDA shall have the discretion in allotment of Districts amongst the selected Organizations. Suitable Proposals coming from few Industries / Captive Employers having their own captive requirements may be considered for Placement Linked Training Programme being conducted by OSDA.

Data Sheet

1. Name of the Client / Authority :- Odisha Skill Development Authority ,Niyojan Bhawan, Sriya Square, Kharvela Nagar, Bhubaneswar, 751001, Odisha
2 Issue of EOI :- 07.4.2021
3 Pre-bid meeting:- 16.04.2021 at 11.30 A.M.
4 Last Date of submission of Proposal :- 6.05.2021 up to16 hrs

Eligibility Criteria: The Applicant Organization
For the purpose of selection of Training Agencies, the following will be the minimum eligibility criteria:

I. Category A:
⇒ Sub Category A1:- NSDC or MoRD Partners with Training infrastructure (owned/leased / rented) in the State of Odisha which must be a dedicated training centre of its own. 
Sub Category A2:- NSDC or MoRD Partners who propose to set up Training Infrastructure (within 2 months of signing MoU with OSDA) in the State of Odisha

II. Category B:
Training Organizations other than NSDC or MoRD Partners. Such training organizations’ should have Training infrastructure (owned / leased / rented) in the State of Odisha
⇒Sub-category-B1:- Training Providers of PMKVY 2.0 CSSM/CSCM having operational Training Centres in Odisha.
⇒Sub-Category-B2 :- Training Organizations other than NSDC or MoRD Partners having the required infrastructure to undertake the Skill Development Training programme in job-roles coming under Agriculture & allied Sector. Such training organizations’ should have Training infrastructure (owned / leased / rented) in the State of Odisha &having past experience in conducting training in the sector.
⇒ Sub-sector-B3:- Training Organizations other than NSDC or MoRD Partners having the required infrastructure to undertake the Skill Development Training programme for PWDs [Persons with Disabilities]. Such training organizations’ should have Training infrastructure (owned / leased / rented) in the State of Odisha & having past experience in conducting training & placement for PWDs.

III. Category C:
Industries having their own Units and having own manpower requirements.

IV. Category D: 
Professional and Educational Institution of the State having the required infrastructure to undertake the skill development training programme. Such institutions should have the approval of the competent authority for running the existing professional/ educational courses in their respective fields

Processing Fee: 
An Applicant has to pay a non-refundable Proposal Processing Fee of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousands only) in the form of a Demand Draft drawn from a Scheduled Bank in favour of “Odisha Skill Development Authority” payable at Bhubaneswar.


To download detailed RFP click below link :-

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