ETP to undertake the project under CSSM Component of PMKVY 3.0 in the State of Rajasthan
All information contained in this document, subsequently provided/clarified are in good interest and faith. This is not an agreement and is not an offer or invitation to enter into an agreement of any kind with any party. RSLDC reserves the right to cancel this document, and/or invite afresh proposals with or without amendments to this document without liability or any obligation for such document, and without assigning any reason. RSLDC reserves the right to take final decision regarding award of contract. Submission of proposal under this EOI mode does not guarantee allocation of target under PMKVY 3.0(STT)
⇒ The EOl is issued for empanelment of Training Partners to undertake the project under Centrally Sponsored and State Managed Component under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna (PMKVY State engagement) in the State of Rajasthan
⇒ The EOl is for PMKVY 3.0 (phase ) for which targets to state has not yet allotted however the same would be allotted to the shortlisted agencies once the same will be allotted to RSLDC
⇒ The applicant must submit financial details of the selected three years (Consecutive years i.e. 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21) and must ensure to submit relevant documents. (E ligible agencies can submit the CA certified provisional balance sheet of FY-2020-21)
⇒ In addition to above eligible agencies can submit the CA certified provisional balance sheet of FY-2020-21 along with balance sheet of FY- 2018-19 & 2019-20
Eligibility Criteria
⇒ Should be an entity registered in India (including a firm registered under Indian Partnership Act, 1932 or a Trust registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 or a trust act applicable in a State in India or a Society registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 or a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 or 2013 or a LLP firm registered under The Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008) in existence as such for a period of at least five years. OR Should be any organization (Company, Proprietor, Partnership, LLP, Private Limited etc.) incorporated between 01 January 2016 to 31 December 2018 in the field of Skilling/ Training/ Related segments etc
⇒ The applying agency will submit the details of project with a covering letter Annexure-1 and submit applicant details with relevant documents as per Annexure-2.
In addition to above, agencles with background of skilling should :-
⇒ Have average annual turnover of Rs 50 lakh or more from skill development and placement linked programs. Agency is required to submit copy of audited financials for any three consecutive years (2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21) along with Annexure 3
⇒ Have trained not less than 1200 youth and have provided placement to not less than 840 youth in any three consecutive years i.e. from 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21(Existing training partners of RSLDC should have trained 900 or more youth and have provided placement to 630 or more youth in last 3 consecutive years). Annexure-5
⇒ Agencies worked under PMKVY RSLDC must provide training and placemeht details separately (Annexure-5b)
⇒ Client Certificate from respective state government is mandatory along with figures of training and placement. Data of training and placement is required to submit as per Annexure 5,5a and 5b.
All the agencies under mentioned above should:-
⇒ Have been active and operational continuously anywhere in the country for the last three years on the date of application.
⇒ The Applicant should not have been blacklisted/terminated by any Government Agency/Public Sector Undertaking/autonomous bodies in last 3 years. A self-certificate must be submitted as per Annexure-6.
⇒ Submit a self-declaration on assurance to follow RSLDC & PMKVY norms (as amended from time to time) Annexure-7.
⇒ Submit past performance (program wise) Industry Linkages & basic project plan of PMKVY (CSSM) information as per Annexure-8
⇒ Have positive net worth consecutively from last two financial years
⇒ Have state office in Rajasthan
⇒ Also, agencies without background of skilling under mentioned above should have average annual turnover of Rs. 2.0 Crore or more from various activities, in any past three consecutive years from 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21. (Eligible agencies can submit the CA certified provisional balance sheet of FY-2020-21).
⇒ Agency is required to submit copy of audited financials for past three consecutive years along with Annexure 3. Existing partner of RSLDC is to be furnished as per Annexure 3a.
ProposalProcessing Fee
⇒ All Applicants have to pay a non-refundable Proposal Processing Fee of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousands only) which will be paid online through ISMS portal only. Proposals that are not accompanied by the Proposal Processing Fee shall be rejected by RSLDC.
⇒ Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):All Applicants are requested to submit a refundable Earnest Money Deposit(EMD) of Rs 5,00,000/- (Rupees Five Lakh only) which will be paid online through ISMS portal only. Proposals that are not accompanied by the above Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall not be considered.
⇒ The EMD of the unsuccessful agencies would be returned (without any interest amount) and for shortlisted agencies, the amount would remain with RSLDC till signing of the Mou.
⇒ The proposals received after aforesaid date shall not be considered for this project of assignment. Incomplete proposals with/ without processing fee payment within due time or in any respect shall be summarily rejected. Proposal must be submitted in both hard (in RSLDC) and soft copy(online).
Proposals submitted in both soft and Hardcopy will only be considered.
Release of notification for request of Dates :- 09th-April-2021
Opening of EOI portal for applications :- 09th-April-2021
Closing of EOI portal (Online) i.e timeline to submit proposalthrough online link:- 30th- April- 2021 till 5.00 pm
Timeline to submit Hardcopy :- 07-May-2021 till 5.00 pm
Address where hard copy is to be submitted:- Address Rajasthan Skill & Livelihoods Development Corporation Kaushal Bhawan, EMI Campus, J-8-A, Jhalana Institutional Area, Jaipur - 302004
The proposal should carry following documents as per checklist and annexures given in the Eol:
A. Covering Letter :- Annexure1
B. Applicant details along with required documents :- Annexure-2
C. Copy of audited financials for the last 3years along with required documents
D. ExistingRSLDCtraining patner details :- Annexure-3
E. Details of 3 skill development centers in Rajasthan or five out of Rajasthan :- Annexure-4
F. Training and Placement detailswith required documents :- Annexure-5
G. Training and Placement details(RSLDC- Other than PMKV) :- Annexure 5a
H. Training and Placement details(PMKVY CSSM,Rajasthan) :- Annexure Sb
I. An affidavit for not being blacklisted :- Annexure-6
J. A self-certificate/declaration :- Annexure-7
K. Past performance of conducting similar skill development training in last 3 years :- Annexure-8
To download detailed RFP click below link :-
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