Selection of Legal Service Provider w.r.t FutureSkills PRIME Programme _ IT-ITeS SSC
The Client intends to select a Consultant, in accordance with the ‘Terms of Reference’ as specified at ‘Annexure B’ of this document.
Bidders are invited to submit a Technical Proposal and a Financial Proposal, for services required for the assignment “Selection of Legal Service Provider w.r.t FutureSkills PRIME Programme”. The Proposal will be the basis for negotiating and ultimately signing the Contract with the selected Consultant.
The Client will timely provide, at no cost to the Consultants, the inputs, relevant project data, and reports required for the preparation of the Consultant’s Proposal.
A firm will be selected under Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) procedures and in full Technical Proposal format as described in this RFP, in accordance with the policies of the client.
Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices
The client requires that no fraudulent or corrupt means shall be used by the consultant in order to get the award of work
The Consultant shall permit and shall cause its agents, experts, sub-consultants, subcontractors, services providers, or suppliers to permit the client to inspect all accounts, records, and other documents relating to the submission of the Proposal and contract performance (in case of an award), and to have them audited by external auditors, if needed.
Event Target Date
RFP issued / published on the website:- 3rd February 2021
Last date of submission of proposal with solicited documents:- 18th February 2021
Technical Presentations of Bidders:- 25th February 2021
Shortlist bidder’s basis their ‘Technical’ proposals:- 2nd March 2021
Selection of the finalist basis their ‘Technical’ presentation by
the Project Board + by financial evaluation:- 5th March 2021
Award of contract to the finalist by NASSCOM/ SSC
NASSCOM (Tentative):- 15th March 2021
Commencement of implementation of project post the signing
of the ‘Agreement’ (Tentative):- 15th March 2021
General Considerations
Bidders are advised to study all instructions, forms, terms, requirements and other information in the RFP document carefully. Submission of the bid shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the RFP document with full understanding of its implications;
Response to this RFP should be full and complete in all respects. Failure to furnish all information required by the RFP documents or submission of a proposal not substantially responsive to the RFP documents in every respect will be at the Bidder's risk and may result in rejection of its Proposal.
Documents Comprising the Proposal
The Proposal shall comprise the documents and forms listed in the Data Sheet.
If specified in the Data Sheet, the Consultant shall include a statement of an undertaking of the Consultant to observe, in competing for and executing
The Consultant shall furnish information on commissions, gratuities, and fees, if any, paid or to be paid to agents or any other party relating to this Proposal and, if awarded, Contract execution, as requested in the Financial Proposal Submission Form 5 placed at AnnexureA to this RFP.
The Consultant shall furnish information on commissions, gratuities, and fees, if any, paid or to be paid to agents or any other party relating to this Proposal and, if awarded, Contract execution, as requested in the Financial Proposal Submission Form 5 placed at AnnexureA to this RFP.
Proposal Validity
The Consultant’s Proposal must remain valid for 180 days after the Proposal submission deadline
During this period, the Consultant shall maintain its original Proposal without any change, including the availability of the Key Experts, the proposed rates and the total price
If it is established that any Key Expert nominated in the Consultant’s Proposal was not available at the time of Proposal submission or was included in the Proposal without his/her confirmation, such Proposal shall be disqualified and rejected for further evaluation.
If the Consultant agrees to extend the validity of its Proposal, it shall be done without any change in the original Proposal and with the confirmation of the availability of the Key Experts.
Submission, Sealing, and Marking of Proposals
The Consultant shall submit a signed and complete Proposal comprising the documents and forms in accordance with Paragraphs 8,11 and 12. The submission to be done by email in password protected PDF file.
An authorized representative of the Consultant shall sign the original submission letters in the required format for both the Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal and shall initial all pages of both. The authorization shall be in the form of a written power of attorney attached to the Technical Proposal.
The Technical Proposal email shall clearly be subjected as ‘TECHNICAL PROPOSALSelection of Legal Service Provider w.r.t FutureSkills PRIME Programme’, Email body must have the following details: reference number, name and address of the Consultant, and a warning “DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 1730 hrs, 18 th February 2021. The technical proposal should not contain any pricing information whatsoever on the services offered. Pricing information shall be separated and only contained in the Financial Proposal.
To download detailed RFP click below link :-
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