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Guidelines for engagement of Consultants in National Skill Development Agency (NSDA)

In supersession of all the previous "Guidelines for engagement of Consultants in National Skill Development Agency (NSDA)", the following guidelines and procedures are being laid for engagement of Consultants in National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET) until such times as these guidelines are amended or new guidelines are issued. These guidelines will come to into effect from the date of issue.

1. Purpose and Scope of Application 
1.1 National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET)  is a non-statutory body under Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship that anchors the National Skill Qualif,ication Framework and allied quality assurance mechanisms for synergizing skill initiatives in the country. It is essential to have Consultants who possess the requisite skill set. They should be high quality professional, capable of lending their expertise in the fields as per the requirement of NCVET. 
1.2 The General condition of Contracts for the services of  Consultants  will  be incorporated into their individual contracts.

2. Definitions: the following definitions apply for the  purpose of the present instructions: 
2.1 "Individual consultant or service provider "means young Professional or Consultant who is recruited for similar a_ctivities as Consultancy/ Service  providing firms when a full team is not considered necessary. He may be an independent expert not permanently associated with any particular firm, or may be an employee of a firm recruited on an individual basis. He may also be employee of an agency, institution or university. He Is normally recruited for project implementation supervision, provision of specific  expert's advice on a highly technical subject, policy guidance , special  studies,  compliance supervision, training, or implementation monitoring. Individual consultant/ service provider is not normally recruited for a project preparation unless the proposed project is simple and generally, a repeat of an already established and successful project.
2.2"Consultancy Services" covers a range of services that are of an advisor or professional nature and are provided by consultants . These services typically involve providing experts or strategic advice e.g management consultants , policy consultants, or communications consultant. Advisory and  project  related  consultancy  services  which include, for example feasibility studies, project management , Engineering services , Architectural Services, Finance accounting and taxation services , training and development.

3.Contractual terms and conditions 
Legal Status: The individual Consultant shall have the legal  status  of  an independent Consultant via-as-via , NCVET and shall not be regarded, for any purposes, as being either as "staff member" of NCVET, or an "official" of NCVET. Accordingly, nothing within or relating to the Contract shall  establish the  relationshi p of  em ployer  and employee. or of principle and agent, between NCVET and the Individual Consultant .

Experience, Age and remuneration:

Name of the Position    Post Qualification experience in Years    Upper age (Limit)    Remuneration Monthly (Rs.)
Young Professional    1    32 years    60000 (Fixed)
Consultant Grade 1    3-8    45 years    80,000 - 1,45,000

In the Event of the death, injury or illness of the Individual Consultant which is attributed to the performance of services on behalf of NCVET under the terms of the Contract while the Individual Consultant is travelling at NCVET expenses or is performing any services under the Contract in any offices or premises of NCVET or Govt. of India, the Individual consultant or the Individual Consultant's dependent, as appropriate, shall not be entitled to any compensation .

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