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Request for Expression of Interest For STP for Implementation of Vocationalization of School Education Under Samagra Shiksha In 30 Gov Schools in UT of Ladakh

Ministry of Education (MoE, erstwhile Ministry of HRD) brought out a revised Centrally Sponsored Scheme for Vocationalisation of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (CSS for VSHSE) to integrate employability education into School Education in September 2011. In 2018, this scheme got further revised and brought under the integrated initiative (Samagra Shiksha) by MoE and termed as Vocationalization of School Education (VSE). The revised norms allow a student to complete training in one Job Role in 9th and 10th standards; followed by another Job Role in 11th and 12th standards.

1. REoI publish = 28-Dec-2020
2. Pre-bid queries submission (via email) = 4-Jan-2021 | 18:00 HRS (06:00 PM)
3. Last date & time for EoI submission = 12-Jan-2021 | 18:00 HRS (06:00 PM)
4. EoI evaluation = 29-Jan-2021

  1. 2. The scheme is operated within the NSQF (National Skill Qualification Framework), which establishes a system of clear educational pathways from school to higher education while providing certification of vocational skills. 

  2. 3. The Administration of UT of Ladakh have been implementing VSE in 19 Schools till date, as per approval and funding from MoE and Administration of UT of Ladakh. The Administration of UT of Ladakh have been further approved with additional 11 schools by MoE to implement VSE, during 2019-20 and 2020-21.

  3. 4. The Administration of UT of Ladakh is willing to outsource the entire Training Delivery in all 30 Government Schools, to NSDC-approved Training Partners. The Administration of UT of Ladakh has approached NSDC with a request to float REoI on their behalf and provide a panel of shortlisted NSDC approved Training Partners for the roll out of the scheme in these 30 Government Schools from 2021 academic session.

  4. 5. At the discretion of the Administration of UT of Ladakh, the number of schools may vary at the time of final allocation.

  5. 6. The teacher handbook and the student curriculum and courseware are already developed by PSSCIVE / SCERT, based on the NOS set by the SSCs

  6. 7. The NSDC approved Training Partners (further to be referred as “TP") who will be selected by a State Level Selection Committee are supposed to take up the following activities:


  • a) Trainer Deployment – Provide full time trainer as per the trainer qualification norms prescribed by the PSSCIVE

  • b) Trainer’s Salary: Salaries to be paid to the Trainers as per the agreed conditions of the State / UT Government.

  • c) Appointment of TP Coordinator and Salary – TP to appoint Coordinator for which the State / UT Government will pay TPs the salary as per the agreed terms and condition.


To Download detailed RFP click below link:

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