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E-Consultancy Placement Portal


Department -  Uptron Powertronics Ltd.
Mode of Submission:- Online 
Fees :- 17,700
EMD:- 1,18,000
Tender Id :- UPL/EMPL-SW/2022-23/033A
Location:-  Uttar Pradesh
Last Date:- 20-09-2022

Eligibility Criteria -

1.  Sole Proprietorship Finn: Self attested Copies of (must have registration in any two of the following):

(a) MSME Act, 2006 of GoI and/or 17.P_ MSME (Establishment & Operations) Act, 2020

(b) GST Registration

(c) Registration in Shop and Establishment Act prevailing in any State of India

ii. Partnership Firm: Registered under Indian Partnership Act, 1932.

iii. Public/ Private limited Companies registered under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956/ 2013.

iv. Limited Liability Partnership Firm (LLP) registered under the provisions of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008

v. One Person Company (OPC) registered under the provisions of Companies Act, 2013.

2.  Main object or work of area should be IT & ITeS and related work. 
3.  Bidder must have GST Registration. 
4.  Bidder must have PAN. 
5.  Bidder must have ITR at least for last 01 financial yr. 
6.  Bidder must have "Positive net worth" in the last Financial year 
7.  The Company should not be blacklisted by Central Govt.' State Govt/ PSU! Autonomous body in India and there should not be any criminal case registered against the Director(s)/Head of the organization or Company! firm in any Court of Law. 
8.  The Bidders should have at least a LAN installed with 5 Desktops/Laptops and one server, one printer and UPS of adequate capacity_ 
9.  Turn over of the bidder's Organization / Company in the last Financial Year should be at least Rs. 10..00 lac.  

Marking Criteria:  

From Rs.10 Lac to less than lts.20 be - 5 Marks

From Rs_20 Lac to less than Rs.30 lac - 10 Marks

From Rs_30 Lac to less than Rs.40 be - 15 Marks

From Rs.40 Lac and above - 20 Marks

*Maximum ML-irks in this criteria - 20 Marks 
10. Bidder should have completed successfully at least 02 (two) jobs of minimum value of Rs 5 be each in the field of IT & ITeS for Central Govt State Govt. f PSI E Other Govt. Intuitions, during preceding 01 financial year.

Apart from this, One job order of minimum value of Its 5 lac should be in process in the field of IT & ITeS for Central Gove State GcvtiPSU' other Government Institution.
1. Marking, Criteria: For executed projects each of value not less than R;:. 5.00 lac :  
2. Projects - 15 Marks

3. Projects 20 Marks

4. Projects - 25 Marks

5. Projects or above - 30 Marks

Maximum Niarks in this criteria - 30 Marks 
2. Marking Criteria: For running Project of value not less than Rs. 5.00 lac:  

1. Project -- 5 Marks

2. Projects - 10 Marks

3. Projects - 15 Marks

Maximum Marks in this criteria - 15 Marks 
TOTAL Maximum marks in

above categories (1 & 2) - 45 .M.ark 

11. Company should have ISO or CM II Certification or Letter for Preponements in any UP Govt. Deptt/PSU Institutions as Startup.
Marking Criteria:  Empaneled at any UP Govt Deptt/PSU/Institution as Startup — 5 Marks 
ISO 9001:2008 or equivalent ! CMMI Level 3 — 10 Marks 
ISO 27001:2013 or equivalent / Civilis Level 5 — 15 Marks 
Maximum Marks in this criteria -- 15 Marks 
The Bidder Should have 5 manpower on Roll for proposal handing out of which at least 3 Technical staff must have MCA/ B.Tech /BE / M.Tech M.Se degree in the areas of Computer Science /IT/Electronics from the recongnised university/ Institution. 

Markking Criteria; 

Less tham, 03 technical Staff  0 marka 

03 to 05 Technical Staff 5 Marks 

06 to 10 Technical Staff 10 Marks 

11 to 15 Technical Staff 15 Marks

Above 15 Technical Staff 20 Marks  

Maximum Marks in this Criteria  20 Marks


To download detailed RFP, click below link: -


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