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E-Consultancy Placement Portal


Department -  Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd.
Mode of Submission:- Online 
Tender Id :- TCIL/2022/N/UPSDM
Location:-  PAN INDIA
Last Date:- 08-09-2022

Eligibility Criteria -

a) The bidder should be an Indian Registered Company under Companies Act 1956 or 2013/ Proprietorship /Partnership Firm. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation/ Registration/ Partnership Deed or any other relevant document, as applicable, should be submitted along with a copy of address proof.

b) The bidder shall fulfill the following financial criteria:-

i. Average Annual Financial Turnover during the last 3 years, ending 31st March 2021 should be at least 2.10 Cr. (1.75 Cr. For MSEs & Startups)

ii. Net worth should be positive as on 31 st March 2021. iii. The bidder should be in profit before tax (PBT) in two out of last three financial years. (The last three financial years are 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21)

c) Experience of having successfully completed similar works/supplies during the last 7 years from the date of bid submission should be either of the following:-

i. Two similar works each costing not less than 2.10 Cr. (1.75 Cr. For MSEs & Startups) Or

ii. One similar work costing not less than 2.80 Cr. (2.45 Cr. For MSEs & Startups) “Similar Work Services” shall mean project consisting of training work. One Similar Work means a Single Work/Purchase Order of value as given in this clause above. The bidder should submit supporting document i.e. work order and completion certificate from client.

d) The bidder should have a valid PAN and GST Registration (copy of PAN card and GST Registration certificate should be submitted in the bid). Copy of PAN card and GST Registration certificate should be submitted in the bid. In case GST registration is not available, the bidder shall give undertaking that it will get registered before start of work, if work is awarded to them 

e) The bidder should not be insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, not have had their business activities suspended and not be the subject of legal proceedings for any of the foregoing. An undertaking by the bidder should be submitted.

f) The Bidder should not be blacklisted/debarred/banned/restricted by any Union Govt./State Govt. /PSU as on date of submission of the Bid. “No-Conviction Certificate” duly signed by authorized signatory signing the bid, should be submitted in the prescribed format.

i) The bidder shall submit an undertaking on their letter-head stating that:

“In reference to the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Office Memorandum No. F.No. 6/18/2019-PPD, Dated 23-07-2020. I hereby submit that: “We have read the Clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land border with India; We certify that we (in case of Consortium all the Consortium Partners) are not from such a country or their beneficial owner is not from such a country or we will not sub-contract any work to a contractor from such countries, if from such a country, have been registered with the Competent Authority. We hereby certify that we (in case of Consortium all the Consortium Partners) fulfill all requirements in this regard and are eligible to be considered. [Where applicable, evidence of valid registration by the Competent Authority shall be attached.]”. j) The bidder needs to submit un-priced BOQ with Make & Model as per the Price Schedule Format.

k) The bidder needs to submit an Undertaking stating that: Vendors, whose Purchase Order(s) for any Project of TCIL was/were cancelled on risk & cost basis for non-performance or non-submission of performance guarantee in last 5 years, are not eligible to participate in this tender.

l) Proof of PF registration to be submitted by the bidder, (wherever applicable).

m) The bidder should have Local Office where work is to be executed. Else, he should give an undertaking that he will open Local office after Award of Work.

n) LABOUR LAWS (wherever applicable):

The Bidder should comply with all applicable Indian Labour laws, Payment of Minimum Wages Act, Workman’s Compensation Act, EPF/ESI provisions and any such statutory provisions. In case the bidder is found to be not complying to any of the relevant statutory requirement, action as deemed fit may be initiated by TCIL at its sole discretion. o) Consortium is not allowed.

1. The bidder should give an undertaking on the company’s letter head that all the documents/certificates/information submitted by them against this EOI are genuine. In case any of the documents/certificates/information submitted by the bidder is found to be false or forged, TCIL shall immediately reject the bid of such bidder(s) or cancel/terminate the contract and forfeit bid security / Performance Security submitted by the bidder and debar them from participation in future EOIs/tenders of TCIL for a period upto 5 years.

2. A statement showing Clause-by-Clause compliance to all Terms & Conditions of all the Sections of this EOI as well as client’s tender (which forms part of this EOI), duly Signed and Stamped on the Letter Head of their Organization. The bidder shall submit No-Deviation Certificate along with above. Bidder shall submit technical data sheet by highlighting each complied specification. Wherever technical specifications and operational/functional requirements not mentioned in datasheet, OEM compliance shall be submitted. 


The bidders shall sign a Bid Security Declaration (as per format given in EOI) accepting that if they withdraw or modify their bids during the period of validity etc., they will be suspended for the time specified in the EOI document. Note:- Bids received without Bid Security Declaration form shall be summarily rejected.


To download detailed RFP, click below link: -


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