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E-Consultancy Placement Portal

Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited. (Empanelment of Agencies for Trainings, Content development and Assessments)

Scheme - Empanelment of Agencies for Trainings, Content development and Assessments.
Department - Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited.
Mode of Submission:- Online
Fees:-  6,000
Location:-  Rajasthan
Last Date:- 20-09-2022  3pm

Eligibility Criteria - 


1. Legal Entity The bidder should be: A Proprietorship firm duly registered either under the Rajasthan Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 1958 or any other Act of State/ Union, as applicable for dealing in the subject matter of procurement (Note: A self-certified declaration regarding the non-applicability of registration to any Act should be submitted by the bidder) OR A company registered under Indian Companies Act, 1956/2013 OR A partnership firm registered under Indian Partnership Act, 1932 OR LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) OR A Society registered under any of the States’ Societies/cooperatives Registration Act or equivalent Copy of valid Registration Certificates OR Copy of Certificates of incorporation OR Copy of Registered Partnership deed OR Copy of LLPIN OR Copy of Registration with Registrar of Societies.

2. Financial Turnover Should have an average turnover of Rs. 5.00 Crores or above in the last three consecutive completed financial years from any or combination of services under business categories as defined in Table A. The individual firm/company turnover (operations in India only) shall be considered and not of the group companies. CA certificate with UDIN, CA Name, Membership No, FRN No and Seal mentioning Average Annual Turnover from any of or combination of services under business categories as defined in Table A for last three consecutive completed financial years (Procuring Entity may ask Audited Financial Statement or any other document evidencing turnover from Subject Matter of this Procurement) at later stage to verify the facts of certificate UDIN is mandatory on certificate.

3. Financial: Net Worth The Net-Worth of the bidder (except NGO/Society), as on 31st March of last completed financial year should be Positive CA Certificate with UDIN, CA Name, Membership No, FRN No and Seal (Procuring Entity may ask Audited Financial Statement at later stage to verify the facts of certificate) UDIN is mandatory on certificate.

4. Bidder’s Profile (Technical Capability) At least 1 project completed involving any or combination of services under business categories as defined in Table A for value of Rs. 25 Lakh or higher any time during last 3 completed financial Years in any Central / State Government Departments / Public Sector Undertakings / Universities / Other Government entities in which any State / Central govt is having any stake or any reputed listed companies Copy of Work Order/s Annexure-9 for each Project reference And Certificate(s)/document(s) of satisfactory completion of the work(s) And Work Samples like eContent etc. (If applicable)

5. Experience Should have experience of providing any or combination of services under business categories as defined in Table A in last three completed consecutive financial years as on the date of bid submission. International work orders / experience shall not be considered for this purpose. Purchase Order Copies / MoU / Reference Letters

6. Tax registration The bidder should have a registration number of: 1. GST 2. Income Tax / PAN number Copies of relevant certificates of registration, Copy of PAN Card

7. Manpower Strength The bidder must have at least 10 relevant manpower (subject matter experts / technical specialists) having experience on similar services employed on rolls or as consultant as on 31st March of last completed financial year. Self-Certification on letterhead by the authorized signatory along with list of manpower with their Mobile Nos. – refer Annexure 10

8. ISO Certifications The bidder should be an ISO 9001 / ISO 27001 certified organization which should be valid as on the bid submission date. Copy of valid certificates

9. Presentation The bidder would be intimated to deliver a presentation to showcase the eligibility for the empanelment to a committee designated by RKCL. The minimum eligibility marking on a scale of 100 for a bidder to be eligible is 70 The presentation should include (not limited to):

• Credentials and coverage in the business categories defined in Table A (30%)

• Solution Capability, Tools, Process, Methodology (30%)

• Team capability and readiness (20%) 

• Industry standard certifications, affiliations & compliances (10%)

• Any other feature / Point / USP (10%)

The date of presentation shall be intimated to the bidders.

10. Mandatory Undertaking Bidder should: -

a) Not be insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, not have its affairs administered by a court or a judicial officer, not have its business activities suspended and must not be the subject of legal proceedings for any of the foregoing reasons;

b) Not have, himself and their directors/partners/Executive members and officers not have, been convicted of any criminal offence related to their Business or professional conduct or the making of false statements or misrepresentations as to their qualifications to enter into a procurement contract within a period of three years preceding the commencement of the procurement process, or not have been otherwise disqualified pursuant to debarment proceedings;

c) Not have a conflict of interest in the procurement in question as specified in the bidding document.

d) Comply with the code of integrity as specified in the bidding document.

e) Should not have been blacklisted / debarred by any State Government / Central Government / PSU / Corporation / Company / Institution / Entity in last 3 financial years including year of bidding.

f) Should not have been involved in publishing defamatory material against RKCL or should not have worked against reputation / business interest of RKCL at any point of time A Self-Certified letter as per Annexure-3: SelfDeclaration



To download detailed RFP, click below link: -


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