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UTTARAKHAND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (UKWDP). (Implementation of Web based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in Priority ITI’s in Uttarakhand)

Scheme - Implementation of Web based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in Priority ITI’s in Uttarakhand
Mode of Submission:- Online 
Tender Id :- IN-SPIU-UKWFDP-105875
Last Date:- 09-11-2022

Eligibility Criteria -

1. Legal Entity The entity must be legally registered under appropriate authority in India. The firm must be registered under GST Act 2017. The firm should be in business in India for the last 5 years. Copy of certificate of Incorporation /Registration Copy of GST Registration Copy of valid PAN

2 Product OEM The Firm be an OEM of ERP Product. Declaration on Letter Head of the Firm.

3. Turn Over The entity should have an average annual turnover of INR Five (5) Crore during the financial years mentioned below: - (FY 2016-17, FY 2017-18, FY 2018- 19, FY 2019-20 & FY 2020-21). Copies of audited balance sheet and profit and loss account with all schedules or a Turnover certificate certified by the Chartered Account and by the bidder along with the acknowledgement of Income Tax returns as proof.

4. Experience The entity should have experience of carrying out a minimum of Three (3) similar ERP Implementation assignments each having a Contract value >= INR 30 Lakhs, during the last five (5) Years (FY 2017-18, FY 2018- 19, FY 2019-20, FY 2020-21& FY 2021-22) under Central or State Government/ PSUs / National & International organization (Externally-aided projects funded through Ministry of Economic affairs, Govt of India by World Bank, DFID, JICA, ADB, etc.)/Universities. Copies of engagement such as Work Order / Contract Document / Completion Certificate (Information to be provided as per format Annexure-3)

5. Employees on Payroll The firm shall have at least 50 professionals on payrolls working on consulting services for Govt./Private sector. Proof of count on firm’s letter head/other valid document to support count.

6. Affirmative statement Bidder shall furnish an affirmative statement as to the existence of any potential conflict of interest on the part of the bidder due to prior, current or proposed agreements, engagements, or affiliations with the Client. Self-Declaration from the Bidder as per the format (Annexure-4)

7. Blacklist The firm should not have unsatisfactory track record resulting in adverse action taken by Central/State Governments in India Mandatory Certificate to be enclosed with REoI. A notarized undertaking on Rs.100/- non judicial stamp paper must be submitted to SPIU office by the authorized person of the firm. (Annexure-5).


The World Bank-funded Uttarakhand Workforce Development Project (UKWDP) aims to improve the quality and relevance of training at the priority Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and increase the number of labor-market-relevant workers through the short-term training courses in Uttarakhand.

The UKWDP contributes to these objectives by supporting the state of Uttarakhand to strengthen the delivery of skills and training programs to produce higher-quality workers with relevant market skills and increased access. This state-level skills development project would also play a strategic role in the World Bank’s engagement in the skills agenda at the national level. An in-depth experience of activities/challenges and lessons learnt from this project would play an imperative role in the implementation of the skill development programs at a national level.

In Industrial Training Institute, there are various sections like training, accounts, establishment and store and these sections handle all trainee’s information and institute database. These sections are linked with each other. Current system of ITIs has problems with interlinking and data repetition. To overcome these problems, an ERP system is being proposed, which shall be automated and centralized.


The main objective of ERP implementation shall be digitize the data and processes of ITIs with a user friendly interface. Through implementation of the ERP, details shall be fed into the system wherein there shall be no need for the various person to deal with separate sections. Therefore, the ERP shall cater and ensure the followings:

  • Adoption of paperless system
  • Seamless integration of various existing ITI functional sections namely training, accounts, establishment and store etc.
  • Efficient and flexible dynamic data management.
  • Generation of dynamic reports and dashboard.
  • Reduced human intervention.


The ERP is intended to be implemented across all the Government ITIs in Uttarakhand in phased manner. Initially, the ERP will be implemented in 24 priority ITIs from the World Bank funds. Upon satisfactory performance, the contract later may be extended to include other Government ITIs in the state subject to the decision of state Government including funds and time availability.

List of 24 Government ITI has been annexed as Annexure-6 and the list of other Government ITIs as Annexure-7.

The following is the list of modules to be implemented in all priority ITIs:

1. E-class/ e-Training

2. Staff Register

3. Stock Register

4. E-Library

5. Examination

6. Alumni


To download detailed RFP, click below link: -


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