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E-Consultancy Placement Portal


Scheme - Mukhya Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana


Tender Id:- RSLDC/EO/2022-23/1 

Mode of Submission:- Online 

Fess:- 25,000

Location - PAN INDIA 

Eligibility Crateria - 

1. The company should be 5 years old
2. Average annual turnover of 100 Cr. 
3. The shortisted agency should fumish a Performance Security Deposit of Rs 1.00.000

1. Should be a registered proprietorship/Partnership firm/LLP Private Limeirted company is active and opertional continuously anywhere in the contry for the last five years on the date application.

2. Average annual turnover of 100 Cr.

3. Commitment to train minimunm 200 candidates per year and minimum 70 » placement ot the sanctioned target.

4. Capacity to neruit and deploy minimum 50 candidates for Captive placement and minimum 5 Industry linkages to place the remaining candidates.

5. Capacity to racruit and deplo minimum 140 candidates for Captive placement

6. Any NSQF aligned Course Curriculum w ith better prospect of wage employment

7. Procesing tee of Rs 25000 4Rs Twenty Five Thousand only) Non-refundable. Demand dratt on the name of Rajasthan SKill and Livclihoods Development Corporation" Pay able at Jaipur

8. Applicants an mquested to submit a retundable Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs 2.00.000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs only) paid Online on ISMS Portal only. Proposals that are not aompaniad by the above Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall not be considerod. Proposals reived after due date shall be rejected and submitted processing fee and EMD amount shall be refunded. TDpes of courses Processing Fee Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)

  • The EMD of the unsuccesstul Training Provider would be etumed (without interest) as soon as possible after decision of rejection. In case of shortlisted Training Provider. the ENMD ould remain with RSLDC till signing of \lol' and will returm thereafter.
  • The EMD will be forteited on account of one or more of the following reasons

9. a. In case, applicant withdraws trom Eol after applying.

    b. In case. applicant does not participate in the subsequent process of Eol (Presentation before the committee. Signing of MoU) atter having been shortlisted.

All the payments (Processing fee & EMD) will be psaid online through RSLDC ISMS PORTAL

10 . The shortisted agency should fumish a Performance Security Deposit (PSD) of Rs 1.00.000 (Rupees One Lakh only) per SDC. in favor of RSLDC at the time of establishment of Skill Development Centre (SDC). The PSD shall remain with RSLDC Upto the closure of SDC. If TP to deliver or comply with guidelines (as amended trom tine to timel RSLDC will forfeit PSD amount for that particular SDC.


  • 50% of the batch cost may be given after successfully completing training and assessment of the batch.
  • 50% to be paid anter successfiul placement &retention fior 3 months of trainees

To download detailed RFP click below link :-


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