Haryana Skill Development Mission. Skill Training to the youth of Haryana
Scheme Name - Skill Training to the youth of Haryana
Department Name - Haryana Skill Development Mission IP-2, Kaushal Bhawan, Sector-3, Panchkula-134109
Tender Discription - Application for Empanelment of Training Providers for imparting Skill Training to the youth of Haryana under HSDM
Location – Haryana
Fees :- 10,000
EMD :- 6.5% of Total Value
Start Date - 10-06-2022
Last Date - 30-06-2022
Eligibility & Criteria :-
Category wise Eligibility Criteria
- Description - Skill Training Partners
Eligibility Criteria - The applicant organization must be incorporated & registered in India, under any act and should be in operations for minimum of last 5 years.
-Must have trained (NSQF) at least 5000 candidates under STT in any State/Central Government funded Scheme in last 5 years (cumulative)
- Must have placed at least 40% of the certified candidates (STT) in the last 5 years - Must have at least 2 Training of Trainer (ToT) certified trainers employed by firm - Must have a positive net worth in last 3 years - Must have a minimum Annual Turnover of 5 Cr (Average in the last 3 years)
- Must not have been blacklisted by any State/Central Govt. body for any prior engagement.
2. Description - NGO as Training Provider
Eligibility Criteria - · Valid Registration under Societies Registration Act 1860 / Trusteeship Act / Section 8 Companies Act 2013.
The applicant organization must be incorporated & registered in India, under any act and should be in operations for minimum of last 5 years.
Valid Registration under Section 12A & 80G of Income Tax Act
Valid Registration under FCRA
Valid Registration on NGO Darpan Portal of NITI Aayog.
Minimum Average annual turnover of Rs.20.00 lakh in last three financial years i.e., 2019-20, 2020-21 & 2021-22.
Should have Positive Net worth in last 3 years in each year.
Experience of at least 3 years in conducting NSQF aligned Skill development Trainings under and State/Central govt.
- Description - Industry Partner
Eligibility Criteria - The applicant organization must be incorporated & registered in India, under any act and should be in operations for minimum of last 5 years.
- Must have an annual turnover of at least 25 Cr (Avg. in last 3 years) - Must have a positive net worth in each of the last 3 years - Must have a staff of at least 50 personnel (on pay roll) - Must have a dedicated classroom type facility for conducting training and minimum required area - 5000 sq.ft.) - Must have trained certified at least 1000 candidates in skill development trainings/ Apprenticeships in last 3 years (cumulative)
-Must not have been blacklisted by any State/Central Govt. body for any prior engagement .
4. Description - Educational Institution /Universities
Eligibility Criteria - The applicant organization must be incorporated & registered in India, under any act and should be in operations for minimum of last 5 years.
Must be an educational institute with approval from UGC/AICTE/PCI/MCI/Any other relevant affiliated Boards/Council - Must have an annual student admission of at least 1,000 over the last 3 years (cumulative)
- Must have placed at least 50% students in last 3 years (cumulative)
- For Higher Education Institution, must have received a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) rating of 2.01 (out of 4) from NAAC assessment & accreditation
Must have foreign student admissions of at least 150 over the last 3 years (Cumulative)
- Receipt of funds from Academic Fees, Grants from State or central etc. must be at least 2.5 crore (Average for last 3 years) - Must have a dedicated infrastructure and facility for conducting training and minimum required area - 5000 sq. ft.)
- Must not have been blacklisted by any State/Central Govt. body for any prior engagement.
5. Description - Industry Associations /Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV)
Eligibility Criteria - - Must be legally incorporated in any state of India
- Must have been in existence for at least 3 years
- Must have at least 50 Active constituent industries (membership) and cumulative workforce of 500 (in constituent industries)
Must be registered as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) with at least 10 active constituent units and cumulative workforce of 200 (in constituent industries) - Must have dedicated infrastructure and facility for conducting training minimum required area - 5000 sq. ft.) - Must not have been blacklisted by any State/Central Govt. body for any prior engagement.
6. Description - Placement Agencies
Eligibility Criteria - Must be legally incorporated in any state of India - Must have been in existence for at least 3 years - Must have facilitated at least 6000 placements in the last 3 years. (cumulative) - Must have a dedicated infrastructure and facility for conducting training (minimum - 30 candidates and minimum required area - 5000 sq. ft.) - Must have a positive net worth in each of the last 3 years - Must have a minimum annual turnover of 10 Cr (Average of last 3 years)
- Must not have been blacklisted by any State/Central Govt. body for any prior engagement
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