Skill Gap Assessment & Skill Development Impact Analysis Study in Rajasthan
Scheme - Skill Gap Assessment & Skill Development Impact Analysis
Department Name - Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC)
Tender Description - Procurement of services For Conducting GP-wise & Sector Wise Skilt Gap Assessment & Skill Development Impact Analysis Study in Rajasthan
Location – Rajasthan
Fees - 1180+5000
EMD – 2%
Start Date – 27-05-2022
End Date – 17-06-2022 ( 01 pm)
Eligibility & Criteria :-
1. Basic Requirement- Legal Entity
Specific Requirements- The bidder should be A Proprietorship firm registered under the Rajasthan Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 1958 or a srmilar Act of any other State/ Union, as applicable
A partnership firm registered under lndian Partnership Act 1932.
A Limited Liability Partnership registered under lndian Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
A company registered under lndian Companies Act, 1956 (Note: A self-certified declaration regarding the non- applicability of registration to any Act shouid be submitted by the bidder)JV / Consortium of maximum cow lage entity shall be allowed.
2. Basic Requirement- Tax registration and clearance
Specific Requirements- The bidder should have a registered number of:
a) GSTN where his business is located
b) lncome Tax/ PAN number
3. Basic Requirement- Financial Turnover
Specific Requirements- Average Annual Turnover of the bidder during last three consecutive financial years (as per the last published audited balance sheets), should be at least INR 2.00 Cr.
4. Basic Requirement- Net Worth
Specific Requirements- The average of net worth of the last 3 years of bidder as on 31st March should be positive
5. Basic Requirement- Experience
Specific Requirements-The Bidder must have experience of conducting Skill Gap Study/Skill lmpact Assessment/ demand supply survey comprising primary survey sponsored by Central Govt /MSDE / NSDC World Bank/ADB/UN/Funder/JICA/ in Last 3 Year.
6. Basic Requirement- Technical Capability
Specific Requirements- The bidder must have sucCe at least One project having similar scope/ services (as per the Scope of Work) for any State/ Central Government Organization/ pSU's/NSDC/MSDre Private agency in India during the last three years each of vaslue Rs.25 Laks.
7. Basic Requirement- Mandatorv tJndertaking
Specific Requirements- Bidder should :- a) not bc irrsolvcnl. in rcccivcrship. hankr.unr ()r.being . wound up, not havi its i.rhi,iru adnrrnrstered b1, a court or a iudiciul officer. not have its business activities slrspended and nrust not,be^the subject of legal proccedings hrr. any ol thc loregolng reasons;
b) not have. and thcir directors ancl officcrs not have, been convicted ol anv crinrinal ol'lcncc related to their prof.essionil concluct or rhc making of false staiernents or ntisrcprescrrtatir-rns as to their qualifications to cnter into it procurement contract within a period ol. thrce years preceding the cornurenictncnt o1' thc procuren'lent process, or not have bcen othe rnise di squal i fi ed purs uant to clcbarnt cnt pr.occcil i n il.s :
c) no1 have a conllict ol' intcr.i:st irt rltc procurentcnt ilt qucstion as specilied in thc bidding documcnt.
d) Comply with the code of intercgriY, & NO conflict of Interest.
8. Basic Requirement- Certification
Specific Requirements- An ISO 9000:2015 certifred entiry wiLL be prefered.
9. Basic Requirement- Resources/staff
Specific Requirements- Bidding firm should have than 100 People in the Consulting division on payroll.
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