Hiring of a Call Center Help Desk Agency under NRETP (National Rural Economic Transformation Project) of DDU-GKY)
Scheme :- "Hiring of a Call Center/Help Desk Agency under NRETP (National Rural Economic Transformation Project) of DDU-GKY”
Department :- "Madhya Pradesh Rajya Ajeevika Forum (MPRAF) MPDAY- State Rural Livelihoods Mission (MPDAY-SRLM) Skills Division"
Tender :- "Expression of Interest for Hiring of Call Center/Help Desk Agency also called as “Saathi Haath Badhana” for the state of Madhya Pradesh for the Financial Year 2022-24 as innovative project under NRETP. The project envisages setting up of a centralized system for information dissemination, awareness generation and supporting placed candidates trained under DDU-GKY (Deen Dayal Upadhayaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojna) for M.P. State Rural Livelihoods Mission."
Location :- Madhya Pradesh
Eligibility & Criteria:-
DDUGKY is a flagship program of the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India (GOI). The program is aimed at alleviation of rural poverty through career promoting skills and placements with unique focus under the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM). Madhya Pradesh Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojna State Rural Livelihoods Mission (MP DAY SRLM) is state level nodal unit to implement DDU-GKY in Madhya Pradesh. MPRAF acts as a centralized organization for training activities, livelihood innovation and liaison between various institutions, government departments within and outside the state to facilitate employment generation under DDU-GKY.
Objectives of the Project:
· To develop two way communication platform between government and the beneficiaries
· Create a channel for Information dissemination and awareness generation
· Platform to counsel and guide candidates to take informed decision on various aspects of the program.
· Create a channel of grievance redressal for candidates at various stages: Interested in training, undergoing training, trained, placed, dropout candidates
· To bridge the gap in communication between PIA and candidates and MP DAY SRLM · Act as a channel for receiving feedback from major stakeholders to make desired improvement
Process of Hiring and Contracting the services:
MPRAF will undertake following steps for hiring the services of Agency to provide services as Call Center Agency/Help Desk Agency
a) Issue of Request for Expression of Interest: Advertisement to given in designated websites and leading newspapers
b) Evaluation of EoIs by MPRAF: Receipt and evaluation of EOIs and prepare list of suitable Agencies/firms
c) Issue of RFP and Technical Evaluation by MPRAF: Request for Proposal will be invited from the shortlisted Agencies only. At the RFP stage, Agencies will be required to submit technical proposal as per QCBS method.
d) Contracting the services and signing of Agreement with the selected Agency
The short-listing Criteria at the REoI stage:
- The agency must be registered and incorporated in India under the Indian companies act/societies registration Act/Trust Act/any other Act in India and should be in operations in India for minimum of 3 years of existence as on 31st March 2022 (i.e. organizations registered on or before 31st March 2019 are eligible to apply).
- The Agency should have minimum average annual turnover of INR 5 Crores or above in any three of the last 5 financial year’s i.e. (2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020- 21) from BPO/Call Center Business.
- The Agency should have executed/ be executing at least 3 (three) orders of not less than 25 lakhs each (within the last 5 years 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21) that show the experience of Inbound calling and Outbound calling. At least 1 of these orders should be related to skill development project of any state/central Ministry.
To download detailed RFP click below link :-
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