Himachal Pradesh Kaushal Vikas Nigam. Himachal Pradesh State Scheme on Flexible Memorandum of Understanding (Flexi-MoU) for Industry/Organizations led Skill Development Program
Scheme - Himachal Pradesh Kaushal Vikas Nigam (HPKVN)
Tender - The Government of Himachal Pradesh has a target to skill around 1 lakh youth during
2018-2022 through Himachal Pradesh Kaushal Vikas Nigam (HPKVN) which is the
designated State Skills Mission of the State
Location - Himachal
Last Date - 30-06-2022
Criteria – The organization must have a minimum average annual turnover
of INR 2 crore, Organisation should have cumulative Industry employee strength of 25 employees & should provide a minimum 70% placement for
successfully certified trainees
- Introduction to Flexible MoU Scheme s
- The Government of Himachal Pradesh has a target to skill around 1 lakh youth during 2018-2022 through Himachal Pradesh Kaushal Vikas Nigam (HPKVN) which is the designated State Skills Mission of the State.
- Flexible Memorandum of Understanding (Flexi-MoU) is a State initiative of the State Skills Mission to promote skilling through Industry/Organization linkage by engaging Industries and organizations with existing Industry/Organizations with Industry partnerships to partner with HPKVN in this endeavor.
- The MoU envisages prospective Industry/Organizations with established infrastructure, robust training facilities, as well as trained faculty to conduct in-house skilling of prospective employees /trainees in order to add Industry-ready trainees to its workforce either directly or through some direct partnership with the training facility provider.
- Partners and their Pre- eligibility criteria
- Industry/Organization including JV or Consortium (registered outside Himachal) with Captive requirements
- For a local (Himachal Pradesh) based Industry/Organization / consortium, conditions (a) and (b) above may be relaxed by HPKVN as follows:
- Private training Provider
- Application process for participation
- Implementation model and fee structure, Assessments
- Payment terms for Industry or Industry lead consortium partner/ Industry Clusters/Associations (NSQF Aligned)
Payments against training completed will be released as per the common cost norm published by MSDE in the official gazette on 1/1/2021 vide notification number H[1]22011/2/2014-SDE (Vol. IV) and amended from time to time on the following timelines & conditions:
· 30% of the total cost shall be reimbursed to the Flexi-MoU partner on Freezing of Batch once approved by HPKVN;
· Remaining 40 % of the total cost shall be reimbursed for the successful placement of candidate’s batch-wise. · Remaining 30 % post 3 months of the placement, which will be verified by HPKVN (In case the industry has hired as an apprentice then minimum 6 months) batch-wise.
- Payment terms for Industry or Industry lead consortium partner/ Industry Clusters/Associations - (Non-NSQF)
- Course, Content, Curriculum, and Admission process
- Assessment, Certification, and Placement
- Role and responsibility of stakeholders
To download detailed RFP click below link :-
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